All Souls and All Saints

All Souls and All Saints

All Saints and All Souls days embraced by many Catholic cultures, But this season also holds a character of nostalgia and melancholy. The days begin to shorten and the shadows lengthen as the earth seems to glow in a golden hue, almost sepia-toned. The social reformer/American author Henry Ward Beecher eloquently describes it this way, […]

“The True Spirt of Liturgy in a Pandemic”

“The True Spirt of Liturgy in a Pandemic”

Palm Sunday Of the Lord’s PassionMT 21:1-11 Isaiah 50:4-7 Ps 22 Philippians 2:6-11 MT 26:14—27:66 I can almost smell the fresh cut fronds as I enter the church, the satin-smooth leaflets, the ridges and furrows, satisfying to the touch as I draw them between my index finger and thumb, the snap of a shorn leaf […]

“The Sickness Unto Death”

“The Sickness Unto Death”

Fifth Sunday of LentEZ 37:12-14 PS 130:1-8. ROM 8:8-11 JN 11:1-45 As we continue to hunker down in our quarantine, it is becoming increasingly difficult to focus on any task, be it work or personal, without lapsing into a pensive, even melancholy mood. Instigated by news and newsfeeds alike.  Earlier this week the internet responded […]